Wie starb Alexi Laiho?

Wie starb Alexi Laiho?

Komplikationen bei Alkoholismus oder Drogenabhängigkeit
Alexi Laiho/Todesursache

Wann starb Alexi Laiho?

29. Dezember 2020
Alexi Laiho/Sterbedatum

Wie alt war Alexi Laiho?

41 Jahre (1979–2020)
Alexi Laiho/Alter zum Todeszeitpunkt

Hatte Alexi Laiho Kinder?

Laiho besitzt sowohl Familie in seiner Heimat Finnland als auch in Australien, wo seine Ehefrau Kelli geboren wurde. Zusammen mit Drummer Jaska Raatikainen formierte Laiho Children Of Bodom anno 1993 unter dem alten Namen Inearthed.

Welche Krankheit hatte Alexi Laiho?

Demnach ist Alexi an einem „Alkohol-induziertem Verfall der Leber und des anliegenden Gewebe der Bauchspeicheldrüse“ verstorben.

Who is Alexi Laiho?

As the frontman and lead guitarist in Finnish melodic death metal masters Children of Bodom, Alexi Laiho influenced an entire generation of guitar players with his combination of mind-blowing neo-classical lead lines and pure blazing speed.

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Where are Alexi Laiho guitars made?

The LTD… Built at our ESP factory in Japan, the ESP E-II Alexi Ripped is among the final guitars designed by Children of Bodom/Bodom After Midnight frontman Alexi Laiho, one of the world’s most beloved and influential figures in metal…

What happened to Laiho’s ex wife?

After Laiho’s death it was reported by Finnish news outlets that he had never divorced from Goss, revealing his marriage to Wright was not legally binding. Laiho had a long history of alcohol abuse, which ultimately was the cause of his death.

Who is Alexi Graziano?

Over his more than 15-year long career, Alexi has received many international accolades including „Best Shredder“ and „Best Metal Guitarist“ by Guitar World magazine. Universally recognized as one of the world’s most extreme guitar virtuosos, Alexi has been pushing the limits of what an ESP can do for over a decade.