Wann wurde der Film Pulp Fiction gedreht?

Wann wurde der Film Pulp Fiction gedreht?

Pulp Fiction

Produktionsland Vereinigte Staaten
Originalsprache Englisch
Erscheinungsjahr 1994
Länge 154 Minuten

Wie viel Geld hat Samuel L Jackson?

Dem Pulp Fiction-Regisseur Quentin Tarantino ist Jackson auch treu geblieben und spielte in den meisten seiner Filme mit. Das geschätzte Vermögen von Samuel L. Jackson beträgt 210 Millionen Euro.

Wie groß ist Samuel L Jackson?

1,89 m
Samuel L. Jackson/Größe

Is Vincent Vega related to Susan Vega?

He had a brother named Vic Vega who was shot and killed by an undercover cop while on a job. He worked in Amsterdam for over three years and recently returned to Los Angeles, where he has been partnered with Jules Winnfield. In deleted scenes of Pulp Fiction, Vincent claims he is the cousin of Susan Vega.

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Does Vincent Vega die in catch up?

As Vincent leaves Mia tells him a joke, a pun the punch line for which is catch up and he blows her a goodnight kiss. It is unknown if Jules Winnfield, Mia Wallace, Marsellus Wallace, Lance, Jody, Jimmie or Winston Wolfe were informed of Vincent Vega’s death.

Who is Vic Vega and what happened to him?

He is a hitman and associate of Marsellus Wallace . He had a brother named Vic Vega who was shot and killed by an undercover cop while on a job. He worked in Amsterdam for over three years and recently returned to Los Angeles, where he has been partnered with Jules Winnfield.

Who is Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction?

Vincent Vega was one of the main protagonists (alongside Jules Winnfield and Butch Coolidge) in Quentin Tarantino ’s 2nd film, Pulp Fiction. He is a hitman and associate of Marsellus Wallace . He had a brother named Vic Vega who was shot and killed by an undercover cop while on a job.

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