Wann gibt es ein Holodeck?

Wann gibt es ein Holodeck?

Trekkies, also Fans der Science-​Fiction-Serie Star Trek, kennen virtuelle Welten bereits seit Ende der 1980er Jahre: In der dritten Staffel kamen nämlich erstmals sogenannte Holodecks vor – Räume, in denen virtuelle Welten mittels holografischer Projektion erzeugt werden.

Ist ein Holodeck möglich?

Das Holodeck ist reine Science-Fiction und nahezu genauso unmöglich realisierbar wie das Beamen – zumindest dachte man das bisher. Tatsächlich hat Google aber im Laufe der Jahre Technologien gesammelt, die einige Probleme lösen. Da wäre die Radarsteuerung Soli zur präzisen Interaktion mit virtuellen Objekten.

What is a holodeck on a Star Trek ship?

Prometheus -class starships were equipped with holoemitters on every deck to allow an EMH a higher level of access and free movement around the ship. ( VOY: “ Message in a Bottle „) The most obvious function of a holodeck was to provide entertainment and diversion for a starship’s crew, as they typically spent months or years on missions.

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Did Captain Lorca have holodeck Tech?

Additionally, Star Trek: Enterprise, which is set about a hundred years before Discovery, establishes that some alien races have holodeck tech. And knowing Captain Lorca, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he acquired this technology for his own purposes. Just look at his menagerie and its collection of rare and dangerous species and weapons.

What has the holodeck given us?

“ The holodeck has given us woodlands and ski slopes… figures that fight… and fictional characters with whom we can interact. “ A holographic environment simulator, or holodeck as it was most commonly referred to, was a form of holotechnology designed and used by the Federation Starfleet which ran holographic programs.

Did discovery’s holodeck simulation Break Canon?

In the case of the holodeck simulation, however, it seemed as though Discovery’s writers had actually broken canon, since Captain Kirk’s Enterprise didn’t have that technology on The Original Series. It’s not that simple, however… Have you watched Star Trek: Discovery? You see, Kirk’s Enterprise did have that tech. Sort of.

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