Warum ist SHMI Skywalker gestorben?

Warum ist SHMI Skywalker gestorben?

Schließlich verabschiedete sie sich von Anakin und starb anschließend vor Erschöpfung und Dehydration in seinen Armen. Daraufhin rächte Anakin seine Mutter und tötete alle Tusken im Lager mit dem Lichtschwert.

Wer hat Onkel Owen getötet?

In der Abwesenheit ihres Neffen wurden Owen Lars und seine Frau Beru von den Sturmtruppen des Imperiums zum Verbleib von R2-D2 und C-3PO verhört und schließlich getötet.

Wie heißt Luke Skywalkers Onkel?

Luke Skywalker war ein Pilot der Rebellen-Allianz. Geboren als Sohn der Senatorin Padmé Amidala und des Jedi-Ritters Anakin Skywalker war er der Zwillingsbruder von Leia Organa und damit wiederum der Onkel ihres Sohns – Ben.

Did Darth Vader know who killed Owen and Beru Lars?

The EU book The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader reveals that Vader personally gave the stormtroopers the order to kill Owen and Beru Lars, and that he knew who he was condemning to death before he gave the order: “Lord Vader,” said one of the sandtroopers, adjusting a control on his helmet so that only Vader could hear his voice.

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Who ordered the death of Owen and Beru Lars?

In Disney canon, the order was given by Vader himself. In Legends, it was Mod Terrik, commander of the stormtrooper squad that did it. As others have pointed out, the new Disney canon has Darth Vader himself ordering the deaths of Owen & Beru Lars, even after recognizing the name.

Did Vader know that Owen and Beru were involved?

In this canon, Vader had no idea that Owen & Beru were involved. We also have no idea if he ever found out or how he reacted. Vader ordered the killings of all parties involved due to being stuck in a place he never wanted to go back to. A place that brought back horrible memories of enslavement, bullying, abuse , and the death of his mother.

What did one of the sandtroopers say to Darth Vader?

“Lord Vader,” said one of the sandtroopers, adjusting a control on his helmet so that only Vader could hear his voice. “The Jawas sold a protocol droid and an astromech to these moisture farmers, but both droids are gone.”

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