Wo ist Frodo hingefahren?

Wo ist Frodo hingefahren?

Als Belohnung für seine Mühen und seine qualvolle Reise darf Frodo mit dem Elbenschiff nach Valinor reisen. Er soll nicht in Mittelerde bleiben und sein Leben lang Schmerzen haben. Im Land der Elben kann er ohne Schmerzen oder Krankheiten leben. Bilbo, der ebenfalls ein Ringträger war, darf auch mit nach Valinor.

Wo fahren die Elben hin?

In den späten Tagen des Dritten Zeitalters, fuhren die letzten Elbenschiffe von Mittelerde nach Valinor und die meisten Elben verließen die Hinnenlande (Mittelerde). Frodo und Bilbo wurde es später, obwohl sie Hobbits waren, erlaubt nach Valinor zu reisen, weil sie Ringträger waren.

Wohin reisen Frodo und Gandalf?

Frodo, Bilbo Beutlin, Gandalf und die Elfen machen sich mit ihrem Schiff auf dem Weg nach Aman, genauer gesagt nach Valinor. Aman ist ein großer Kontinent, westlich von Mittelerde, Valinor ein Teil davon.

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Why does Frodo leave in LotR?

Frodo decides to leave the shire because his done his part to get rid of the ring. Also, he doesn’t feel like he fits in at home anymore because he had this great journey and it change him. He feel sad to leave his friends and home behind but I think that he made the right decision in the end.

Does Frodo live with Bilbo?

Where was Frodo raised, and how did he come to live with Bilbo Baggins? He was raised in Buckland, but he was a favorite of Bilbo, and they had the same birthday, so Bilbo invited Frodo to live with him. What do the hobbits mean by „filling up the corners“?

Who are Frodo’s friends in Lord of rings?

Samwise is Frodo’s gardener and closest friend. Gandalf orders Sam to accompany Frodo on his quest after catching him eavesdropping on their discussions of the Ring. Although Sam is not nearly as eager to travel as Frodo, he is compelled by his loyalty to follow Frodo on his quest.

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What is the relationship between Frodo and Bilbo?

Appendix C in ROTK gives family trees. Frodo was a distant cousin of Bilbo. Bilbo adopted Frodo as his heir. I suppose because of the considerable difference in ages (Bilbo was older by 78 years), it was natural for them to think of themeselves as an uncle – nephew rather than cousins.