In welcher Stadt war die Geigenbauerfamilie Amati ansassig?

In welcher Stadt war die Geigenbauerfamilie Amati ansässig?

Neben Cremona waren außerdem Venedig, Padua, Bologna, Mailand und Turin für ihren Geigenbau bekannt. Andrea Amati (1525-1577) war der erste in Cremona ansässige Geigenbauer. Seine Familie dominierte das Handwerk für etwa 150 Jahre.

Wie lange gibt es schon die Geige?

Die Geige entstand im frühen 16. Jahrhundert in Italien und scheint von zwei mittelalterlichen Instrumenten, die mit dem Bogen gespielt werden, abzustammen: der Fiedel, die auch Vielle oder Fiddle genannt wird, und dem Rebec.

Who was Andrea Amati?

Andrea Amati was a luthier, from Cremona, Italy. Amati is credited with making the first instruments of the violin family that are in the form we use today. Several of his instruments survive to the present day, and some of them can still be played.

When did Andrea Amati invent the violin?

The earliest existing instrument from Andrea is dated 1564. Amati’s two sons, Antonio and Girolamo, inherited the family workshop after his death in 1577, refining their father’s models and further establishing the great Cremonese tradition of violin making.

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How did Andrea Amati influence subsequent generations of luthiers?

What remains uncontested, however, is the historic influence which Amati and his oeuvre had on all subsequent generations of luthiers. The first of Andrea Amati’s immediate successors were obviously his two sons, Antonio and Girolamo Amati, who optimised their father’s violin model and refined it to perfection.

What did Amati invent?

Amati is credited with making the first instruments of the violin family that are in the form we use today. Several of his instruments survive to the present day, and some of them can still be played. Many of the surviving instruments were among a consignment of 38 instruments delivered to Charles IX of France in 1564.