Warum totet Damon Elena?

Warum tötet Damon Elena?

Damon schafft es, Tyler zu überzeugen, ihn zum Sarg von Elena zu bringen und plötzlich sieht er nicht mehr seine große Liebe, sondern seinen alten Freund Henry aus dem Bürgerkrieg. In diesem Moment brennt ihm eine Sicherung durch und er zündet den Sarg an. Damon hat nun also wirklich seine große Liebe Elena getötet.

Wie verliebt sich Elena in Damon?

In der 4. Staffel gesteht sich Elena ihre Gefühle für Damon ein. Nachdem sie sich von Stefan (Paul Wesley) getrennt hat, tanzen die beiden und es kommt zum Kuss. Im Anschluss verbringen sie ihre erste Nacht miteinander.

What is the relationship between Elena and Damon?

She initially dated Stefan and had a rocky relationship with Damon as she was nervous, assuming he was a killer. Over time, however, she became Damon’s first friend and began to bring out his emotions. Elena and Damon grew closer when Stefan fell into Klaus’s clutches and she eventually fell in love with him, too.

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Does Damon kiss Elena in Mystic Falls?

Miss Mystic Falls – Damon is Elena’s date for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant when Stefan goes MIA to sate his newly revived bloodlust. The pair dance and get very intimate during the day, but Damon never actually kisses her or attempts to turn her. Stefan had Amber Bradley hostage.

Is Elena in love with Damon Salvatore?

Damon and Elena. The relationship between Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore has been complicated throughout the series, due to the fact that Damon is in love with Elena and she is romantically involved with Damon’s brother, Stefan Salvatore.

Why did Elena forgive Damon in the end?

Both Stefan and Damon offered to be sacrificed in Klaus ’s ritual to save Elena’s aunt, Jenna, and save Elena from more heartbreak. Klaus refused them both as Damon had a werewolf bite and he wanted to recruit Stefan. Elena kissed Damon on his supposed deathbed, officially forgiving him from regularly breaking her heart.

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