Bin ich die Tochter von Bellatrix Lestrange?

Bin ich die Tochter von Bellatrix Lestrange?

Delphini (geb. 1998), bekannt durch ihren Spitznamen Delphi, war eine halbblütige Hexe, die Tochter von Tom Riddle und Bellatrix Lestrange.

Wie heißt die Tochter von Bellatrix und Voldemort?

Delphi Diggory / Augurey
Delphi Diggory / Augurey: Die Tochter von Lord Voldemort und Bellatrix Lestrange wird im Stück zunächst als Nichte von Amos Diggory vorgestellt.

Waren Bellatrix und Voldemort zusammen?

Sie besuchte die Hogwartsschule für Hexerei und Zauberei und wurde dem Haus Slytherin zugeteilt. Sie heiratete schließlich Rodolphus Lestrange – einen reinblütigen Zauberer, ganz nach den Erwartungen ihrer Familie – und schloss sich gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Lord Voldemort an.

What would happen if Snape and Bellatrix fought?

If it came down to a fight between the two, Snape might go easy on Bellatrix due to a number of reasons and stop himself from going for the kill, but Bellatrix will never have such reservations.

How did Bellatrix Lestrange feel about Harry Potter?

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Bellatrix Lestrange saw Harry Potter as her master’s most hated enemy and despised him for the inexplicable threat he posed to the Dark Lord, wanting him dead very deadly. She thought of him as someone lesser than herself due to his status as a half-blood and less experience.

How did Bellatrix and Rodolphus become Death Eaters?

When the First Wizarding War broke out, Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus both became Death Eaters and fought for Voldemort. The pair remained loyal to the Dark Lord throughout the war, even after he was „defeated“ by the infant Harry Potter.

What happened to Bellatrix after the first Wizarding War?

When the First Wizarding War broke out, Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus both fought for Voldemort’s Death Eaters. The pair remained loyal to the Dark Lord throughout the war, even after he was „defeated“ by the infant Harry Potter.