Fur was steht 808?

Für was steht 808?

808s sind elektronische Percussion-Samples, die aus der Roland TR-808 Drum-Machine stammen. Man findet 808s ins so ziemlich jedem Trap-Track, den es gibt. Im Allgemeinen bedeutet das eine laute Attack und ein schneller, nachhallender Decay.

Wie alt ist Elias Rapper?

25 Jahre (20. April 1996)

Woher kommt Elias Der Rapper?

Elias ist 1996 in der kongolesischen Hauptstadt Kinshasa geboren und kam mit seiner Familie nach Deutschland, als er 4 Jahre alt war. Sie lebten erst in Duisburg und zogen dann nach Düsseldorf, wo Elias aufwuchs. Im Alter von 15 Jahren begann er mit dem Rappen, damals unter dem Künstlernamen Young Sweezy.

Wann hat Elias Geburtstag?

20. April 1996 (Alter 25 Jahre)

What does 808 stand for?

What does 808 mean? 808 is the common nickname for the Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer, an electronic drum machine from the 1980s popular in hip-hop music. 808 is also often mistakenly referenced as the penal code for “disturbing the peace.”

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What does 808 mean in Angel numbers?

The angel numbers 808 is a combination of the energy of number 8 which appears twice and the number 0. To simplify the interpretation, the number 8 is all about great wealth and abundance which can be achieved through patience, discipline and inner wisdom.

What does 808 mean/represent?

Number 808 tells you that life is an ever-flowing stream of events in your life. It means that you should focus your attention and your efforts and thoughts on current situation, without thinking too far into future. Future will come anyway, so you should enjoy what happens now.

What does he term 808 mean?

As such, 808 has become slang for a „beat“ or „track.“ The phrase „heart beating like an 808 “ is especially common in pop songs. Because of its prevalence in lyrics, people who aren’t musicians or producers may still understand the reference to the 808 as a drum sound. The term isn’t typically used outside of a musical context.

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