Haben Sie wieder einmal vor die Schulregeln zu brechen?

Haben Sie wieder einmal vor die Schulregeln zu brechen?

Flitwick: Haben Sie wieder einmal vor, sie Schulregeln zu brechen? oder: Seien Sie ehrlich. Sie haben mich schon einmal belogen.

Warum sollten wir zusammenarbeiten Chiara?

Ja, das finde ich….Chiara überreden.

Frage Antwort
Warum untersuchst du den Angriff? Um Hogwarts zu beschützen.
Warum sollen wir zusammenarbeiten? Zwei Köpfe denken besser als einer.

Was mag Barnaby Lee am liebsten?

Barnaby Lee

Frage Antwort
Wie lautet mein Familienname? Lee.
Wofür bin ich bekannt? Zäh sein.
Was mag ich am liebsten? Tierwesen.
Wer ist mein Hauslehrer? Professor Snape.

What is Ben in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery?

During your adventure in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, you will come across a classmate named Ben. During each year of the game, you will have the chance to interact and complete side quests that will boost your friendship with Ben. Gaining a high friendship level will allow you to interact with them further during certain sections of the story.

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Is there a Ben Copper in Harry Potter?

Ben Copper. During your adventure in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, you will come across a classmate named Ben. During each year of the game, you will have the chance to interact and complete side quests that will boost your friendship with Ben.

How do I become friends with Ben in Harry Potter?

During your adventure in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, you will come across a classmate named Ben. During each year of the game, you will have the chance to interact and complete side quests that will boost your friendship with Ben. Gaining a high friendship level will allow you to interact with them further during certain sections…

What year did Ben start Hogwarts?

Ben began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1984. On journey on the Hogwarts Express, he was tormented the entire time by Merula Snyde, who kept threatening him and calling him a “ Mudblood .“ He was later sorted into Gryffindor.

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