Hat Gregor uberlebt?

Hat Gregor überlebt?

Es kam zu einem Feuergefecht im Reaktorraum, bei dem Gregor von einem imperialen Techniker angeschossen wurde, doch Gregor gelang es, den imperialen Soldaten von einem Steg zu werfen. Gregor blieb noch kurze Zeit bei Bewusstsein und starb schließlich in Rex‘ Armen.

In welcher Rebels Folge stirbt Gregor?

So starb der bereits aus der Serie Star Wars: The Clone Wars bekannte Gregor durch einen Blaster-Schuss im Kampf gegen imperiale Truppen auf dem Planeten Lothal. Erstmals tauchte die Figur in Staffel 2 auf. Überdies traf es die erstmals in Rebels‘ 3.

When did Gregor die in Star Wars?

↑ According to The Star Wars Book, the Liberation of Lothal, the event Gregor died during, takes place in the same year as Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, but before the Battle of Yavin. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope to 0 BBY, meaning that Gregor died in 0 BBY as well.

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What happened to Gregor at sarrish?

During the conflict, Gregor was killed, passing away after telling Rex that it was an honor to serve with him and to fight for a cause the clones actually chose to believe in. „You were a captain and part of an elite squad; a clone commando. The file says you were reported missing in action during the Battle of Sarrish.“

What happened to Gregor after Abafar?

When Gregor’s shuttle crashed on Abafar, he was rescued by a diner owner named Borkus. He was transformed into a slave dishwasher by the Borkus and worked there for a while, not knowing or remembering anything about the battle and that he was a clone trooper. However, he was discovered by D-Squad, led by Colonel Meebur Gascon.

Did Gascon know Gregor was a clone?

Gascon immediately recognized Gregor as a clone, and believing he was on an undercover mission, he commanded him to help them escape Abafar. However, Gregor claimed he was only a dishwasher, and after being called by Borkus, returned to diner. Later, when Gregor was returning home, he asked Borkus what a clone was.

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