In welchem Jahr spielt Star Wars The Clone Wars?

In welchem Jahr spielt Star Wars The Clone Wars?

Die Handlung der Serie findet im Jahr 19 des galaktischen BBY-Kalenders statt, sie ist also zwischen der zweiten und dritten Episode der allseits ungeliebten Prequel-Kino-Trilogie angesiedelt, zwischen Angriff der Klonkrieger aus dem Jahr 2002 und Die Rache der Sith aus dem Jahr 2005.

Wie wird Star Wars The Clone Wars animiert?

Im Unterschied zur Serie Star Wars: Clone Wars wurde statt einer 2D-Animation eine aufwändigere 3D-Animation verwendet. Der Film stellt den Pilotfilm zur gleichnamigen Serie dar, die am 3. Oktober 2008 in den USA auf Cartoon Network startete und am 23. November 2008 in Deutschland auf ProSieben Premiere feierte.

What year does Clone Wars take place in?

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It is set in the fictional Star Wars galaxy, during the same time period as the previous 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars series. The show itself takes place during the three-year interim between Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.

When did Clone Wars season 6 come out?

Season 6, along with the other seasons and the feature film, were made available on Netflix on March 7, 2014. On July 19, 2018, Lucasfilm announced at San Diego Comic-Con that The Clone Wars would return with 12 new episodes to be released on Disney+ during the service’s first year.

What was the most watched episode of Clone Wars?

The hour-long premiere episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars aired on October 3, 2008, and set a new record with Cartoon Network as their most-watched series premiere, attracting 3.992 million total viewers. The season finale, „Hostage Crisis“, was broadcast on March 20, 2009, and the original broadcast received 3.297 million viewers.

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When did season 3 of Clone Wars come out?

The season three premiere, consisting of „Clone Cadets“ and „ARC Troopers,“ was broadcast on September 17, 2010, attracting 2.42 million viewers. These episodes, and certain others in this season, cover events from previous seasons. Episodes 21 and 22 were released in the UK before airing in the US.