In welchem Jahr wurde Coca-Cola erfunden?

In welchem Jahr wurde Coca-Cola erfunden?

Begonnen hat alles mit einem Zufall. Im Jahr 1886 erfindet der amerikanische Arzt und Apotheker John S. Pemberton in Atlanta im Bundesstaat Georgia einen Sirup gegen Kopfschmerzen und Müdigkeit. Vermischt mit Sodawasser entsteht daraus ein erfrischendes Getränk: Coca-Cola.

Wann wurde die erste Coca-Cola erfunden?

8. Mai 1886
Als John Stith Pemberton am 8. Mai 1886 in Atlanta eine neue Rezeptur entdeckt, ahnt er nicht, dass er damit den Grundstein für eine Weltmarke legt.

Why was Thomas Pemberton obsessed with making Coca Cola?

Pemberton’s illness worsened, but he remained obsessed with perfecting the Coca-Cola formula. Several times in his dying months he struggled to his laboratory to experiment with a modified cola drink with celery extract. „He did not care anything about what he had already accomplished“, one of his associates remarked, „he wanted something new“.

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Who is the founder of Coca-Cola?

John Pemberton. The birth of Coca-Cola begins in the late 19th century with a man named Dr. John Stith Pemberton, a slave owner who worked in medicine and fought as a Confederate soldier in the American Civil War. Before John Pemberton served in the Third Georgia Cavalry Battalion, he made his living as a chemist and a pharmacist.

What is John Pemberton best known for?

John Stith Pemberton (July 8, 1831 – August 16, 1888) was an American pharmacist and Confederate States Army veteran who is best known as the inventor of Coca-Cola. In May 1886, he developed an early version of a beverage that would later become Coca-Cola, but sold his rights to the drink shortly before his death.

What is Pemberton’s French Wine Coca?

By mixing coca leaves, wine, and kola nuts (in case that cocaine didn’t offer a big enough caffeine kick), Pemberton came up with his first beverage, called Pemberton’s French Wine Coca.

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