In welchem Land liegt Marietta?
Cobb County
Marietta ist mit 60.972 Einwohnern (Stand: 1. April 2020) die größte Stadt im Cobb County, Georgia und dessen County Seat.
Wie heißt die größte Stadt in Georgia?
Liste der Orte in Georgia
Rang | Ort | Typ |
1 | Atlanta | City |
2 | Columbus | Consolidated city |
3 | Augusta | Consolidated city |
4 | Macon | Consolidated city |
Wie heißt die größte Stadt in Illinois?
Die einzige Millionenstadt in Illinois ist Chicago, drittgrößte Stadt der USA hinter New York City und Los Angeles. Der offizielle Beiname Illinois‘ ist Land of Lincoln nach dem 16. US-Präsidenten Abraham Lincoln, der in der Hauptstadt Springfield lebte und dort nach seiner Ermordung bestattet wurde.
Wie viele Menschen leben in Georgia 2021?
Bevölkerungsentwicklung | ||
Census | Einwohner | ± in \% |
2000 | 8.186.453 | 26,4 \% |
2010 | 9.687.653 | 18,3 \% |
2020 | 10.711.908 | 10,6 \% |
How much do you know about Cobb County GA?
Cobb County, GA has a large population of military personnel who served in Vietnam, 1.16 times greater than any other conflict. Median household income in Cobb County, GA is $79,601.
What percentage of Cobb County residents are foreign born?
As of 2019, 38.5\% of Cobb County, GA residents (293k people) were born outside of the United States, which is higher than the national average of 34\%. In 2018, the percentage of foreign-born citizens in Cobb County, GA was 15.4\%, meaning that the rate has been increasing.
What counties border Cobb County GA?
Cobb County, GA borders Bartow County, GA, Cherokee County, GA, Douglas County, GA, Fulton County, GA, and Paulding County, GA. Showing data at the state level for Georgia.
What are the largest colleges in Cobb County GA?
The largest universities in Cobb County, GA are Kennesaw State University (6,878 degrees awarded in 2019), Chattahoochee Technical College (5,282 degrees), and Life University (609 degrees). In 2019, the median property value in Cobb County, GA was $283,300, and the homeownership rate was 65.7\%.