In welchen Bands spielte Sting?

In welchen Bands spielte Sting?

In seiner Freizeit spielte er in örtlichen Jazz-Gruppen wie den „Phoenix Jazzmen“, der „Newcastle Big Band“ und „Last Exit“. Seinen Spitznamen „Sting“ erhielt er in dieser Zeit: Einmal trat er in einem gelb-schwarz gestreiften Pullover auf, in dem er nach Ansicht seines Bandkollegen wie eine Wespe aussah.

In welcher Stadt wurde Sting geboren?

Wallsend, Vereinigtes Königreich

Wo liegt das Weingut von Sting?

Der Sänger und die Schauspielerin suchten mehrere Jahre nach einer ständigen Bleibe und erwarben schließlich 1998 das feudale Anwesen »Il Palagio«. Das Gut südlich von Florenz umfasst rund 350 Hektar Land und war zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs stark renovierungsbedürftig, die Agrarflächen lagen brach.

What happened to Sting’s Music?

Sting didn’t abandon the mainstream–he devoted his 2016 album 57th & 9th to snappy, well-crafted pop tunes, he cut a full record with the reggae singer Shaggy in 2018–but it was merely one facet in a career that was difficult to pigeonhole.

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What is Sting’s new album The bridge?

The Bridge showcases Sting’s prolific and diverse songwriting prowess, with this new set of songs representing styles and genres explored throughout his unrivalled career. The lead track “If It’s Love” is available now on all digital platforms. The upbeat, breezy and infectious pop tune exhibits his undeniable gift for melody.

How did Sting get his stage name?

While playing with the latter outfit, he became known for wearing yellow and black sweaters, which earned him the nickname „Sting“ from fellow musician and bandleader Gordon Solomon. Sting became Sumner ’s stage name around the time he began playing in the jazz fusion outfit Last Exit in 1975.

Who is the ‚Englishman‘ in Sting’s song “the Englishman”?

The ‘Englishman’ in question in this song is the famous eccentric and gay icon Quentin Crisp. Sting wrote the song not long after Crisp moved from London to an apartment in the Bowery in Manhattan.

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