In welchen Filmen spielt Martin Freeman?

In welchen Filmen spielt Martin Freeman?

Die Filmreihe „The Hobbit“ umfasst drei Filme, „An Unexpected Journey“, „The Desolation of Smaug“ und „There and Back Again“. 2014 spielt er in der Anthologie-Serie Fargo als Lester Nygaard mit. Es folgt die Rolle des Phil Rask in der Serie StartUp.

Wie alt ist der Schauspieler Martin Freeman?

50 Jahre (8. September 1971)
Martin Freeman/Alter

Wo lebt Martin Freeman?

Martin Freeman/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wie heißt der Schauspieler von Sherlock Holmes?


Rolle Darsteller Synchronsprecher
Sherlock Holmes Robert Downey Jr. Charles Rettinghaus
Dr. John Watson Jude Law Florian Halm
Irene Adler Rachel McAdams Ranja Bonalana
Lord Blackwood Mark Strong Tom Vogt

Wie groß ist Freeman?

1,88 m
Morgan Freeman/Größe

What is Martin Freeman famous for?

Martin Freeman is an English actor, known for portraying Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson ’s The Hobbit film trilogy, Tim Canterbury in the original UK version of sitcom mockumentary The Office (2001), Dr. John Watson in the British crime drama Sherlock (2010) and Lester Nygaard in the dark comedy-crime drama TV series Fargo (2014).

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What was the first MCU film where Martin Freeman appeared?

Captain America: Civil War was the first MCU film where Martin Freeman appeared as the CIA agent Everett K. Ross. It is also the second film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe directed by the Russo brothers and the third installment in the Captain America trilogy. The story takes off after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Does Martin Freeman play a role in Black Panther?

While at it, they discover a plot to replace all the humans with androids. Though Martin Freeman had a minor role in Black Panther (playing Everett K. Ross, the CIA agent who has interacted with superheroes before), the film is still a very important one for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and for cinema itself.

What was Martin Freeman’s cameo in Hot Fuzz?

Hot Fuzz is the second film in Edgar Wright’s Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy. Martin Freeman only had a small cameo role in it, but it was still very memorable. The scene shows Freeman’s character promoting Simon Pegg’s character to Sergeant.

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