In welchen Serien spielt Claire Holt mit?

In welchen Serien spielt Claire Holt mit?

Claire Rhiannon Holt (* 11. Juni 1988 in Brisbane, Queensland) ist eine australische Schauspielerin. Bekanntheit erlangte sie vor allem durch ihre Rollen in den Serien H2O – Plötzlich Meerjungfrau (2006–2008), Vampire Diaries (2011–2014) und dessen Spin-off The Originals (2013–2018).

Wie heißt Claire Holt in H2O?

Darsteller von Claire Rhiannon Serenity Holt (* 7. Juli 1988 in Brisbane, Quennsland, Australien) ist eine australische Schauspielerin.

In welchem Land lebt Claire Holt?

In ihrer australischen Heimat ist Claire Holt vor allem für ihr Schauspiel-Debüt in der Jugendserie „H2O – Plötzlich Meerjungfrau“ bekannt. Internationale Bekanntheit erlangt die Schauspielerin mit ihrer Rolle des Ur-Vampirs Rebekah Mikaelson in den „Vampire Diaries“.

How old is Claire Holt?

Claire Rhiannon Holt (born June 11, 1988) portrays the role of „Rebekah Mikaelson“ in The Vampire Diaries (2009) and The Originals (2013). Her most notable roles are „Samara Cook“ in Pretty Little Liars (2010), „Chastity Meyer“ in Mean Girls 2 (2011) and „Emma Gilbert“ in H2O: Just Add Water (2006). Claire was born in Brisbane, Australia. She

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Who is Claire Holt’s doppelganger in real life?

Claire Holt’s doppelganger is Gracie Dzienny, who is on a Nick-TV show, just as Claire was when her career started. Claire Holt and Phoebe Tonkin are real life best friends and portrayed mermaids on a TV show together back in 2006 that was called H2O: Just Add Water.

Who does Claire Holt play in Pretty Little Liars?

Claire Holt worked on Pretty Little Liars, she plays a character called Samara Cook, which was the show Torrey DeVitto, who plays Meredith, stars in. Bianca Lawson (Emily Bennett) and Sterling Sulieman (Harper) played characters in that show, too.

Who is Hannah Holt?

Holt’s portrayal of Emma Gilbert in the 2006 series ‘H20 – Add Water’ fetched the show the Nickelodeon Australia Kids’ Choice Award and a Logie Award. In 2014, she was nominated for the Teen Choice Awards in the Sci-Fi category for her work in the television show ‘The Vampire Diaries.’

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