In welcher Episode stirbt Qui Gon Jinn?

In welcher Episode stirbt Qui Gon Jinn?

8 Jahre vor Episode I spielt, ist Qui-Gon Jinn 40 Jahre alt. Der Galaktische Atlas legt die Blockade von Naboo und damit Qui-Gon Jinns Tod auf 32 VSY fest.

In welchen Teil ist Count Dooku gestorben?

Hilf mit! Graf Dooku, als Sith-Lord auch bekannt als Darth Tyranus, war ein ehemaliger Jedi und späterer Schüler des Sith-Lords Darth Sidious. Mit seinem Meister plante er die Herrschaft der Sith über die ganze Galaxis….

Tod: 19 VSY
Heimat: Serenno
Meister: Yoda (als Jedi) Darth Sidious (als Sith)

Was hat Darth Sidious mit Darth Maul gemacht?

Maul, früher als Darth Maul bekannt, war ein dathomirianischer Sith-Lord, der Jahrzehnte vor den Klonkriegen von Darth Sidious in den Lehren der Sith ausgebildet wurde. Obwohl es Maul gelang, den Jedi-Meister Jinn zu töten, wurde er von Kenobi am Bauch durchteilt und fiel den Reaktorschacht hinab.

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Who is Darth Maul in Star Wars?

Darth Maul, later known as just Maul, is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. A Zabrak Nightbrother male from Dathomir, he was a Sith lord and the first apprentice of Darth Sidious prior to the Battle of Naboo and his abandonment by his former master.

What episode does Darth Maul fight Qui Gon Jinn?

The Phantom Menace. Introduced in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul is ordered by his master Darth Sidious to capture Queen Padmé Amidala. On Tatooine, Maul fights Qui-Gon Jinn while approaching the Queen’s starship. While Anakin Skywalker gets on board, Qui-Gon engages Maul in a lightsaber duel, but the Jedi master escapes.

What happened to Darth Maul in Shattered Empire?

Star Wars: Shattered Empire — Though we don’t know Maul’s eventual fate, we do know his presence lingers in the galaxy. One of the most poignant moments in Shattered Empire involves Darth Maul and it has to be seen to be believed.

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What happened to Darth Maul during his duel with Obi Wan Kenobi?

During his duel with Kenobi, Maul taunted the Jedi, reminding him of how he was powerless to save his master. This caused Kenobi to become unbalanced, and he was overwhelmed once again. Conceding that they were outmatched, Kenobi told Ventress to make for the cockpit escape pod.