In welcher Folge kampft hidan gegen Naruto?

In welcher Folge kämpft hidan gegen Naruto?


Folge(n) im Anime Kapitel im Manga Kämpfer
Episode 77 – 79 (Shippuuden) Band 36 Kapitel 322 – 328 Hidan vs Asuma & Shikamaru
Episode 85 – 88 (Shippuuden) Band 37 Kapitel 335 – 339 Hidan vs Shikamaru
Episode 433 – 434 (Shippuuden) Filler Hidan vs Naruto
Episode 457 (Shippuuden) Filler Hidan vs Kakuzu

In welcher Folge kommt hidan das erste Mal vor?

Er erschien zum ersten Mal in Folge 38, zusammen mit seinem Partner Kakuzu, als beide zu Tentens Überraschung in ihrem Versteck ankamen.

In welcher Folge stirbt hidan Naruto?

Naruto Shippūden – Episode 299: Asumas letzter Kampf.

Was ist mit hidan passiert?

Hidan stirbt langsam an Nährstoffmangel, doch wertet Kakuzu im vierten Shinobi-Weltkrieg seine Abwesenheit als Zeichen, dass er noch am Leben sein muss. Im Chikara-Special, welches vor dem vierten Ninja-Weltkrieg spielt, ist er jedoch einer der durch Kabuto zum Leben erweckten Toten.

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Does Naruto ever meet Hidan in the anime?

However, in the anime of Tsunade’s Infinite Tsukuyomi dream, Naruto encounters Hidan. The filler episode for Tsunade’s Infinite Tsukuyomi is Shippūden episode 433, which does take place in the time frame of when Team 7 are kids.

What chapter in the manga does Konoha fight against Hidan?

This arc sees Konoha ’s fight against Hidan and Kakuzu of Akatsuki. It spans through volumes 35 to 38, or more specifically, covers chapters 311 to 342 of the manga and episodes 72 to 88 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime. In the manga, this arc is preceded by the Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission and followed by…

What happened to Hidan in the power arc?

After his fight with Asuma, Hidan lost part of his left ear and Kakuzu stitched his neck after he was briefly decapitated. In the Power arc, upon being recreated, Hidan initially lacked clothing, but later wore a black cloak with red lining, similar to the one worn by Kabuto and the reincarnated Akatsuki members at the time.

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Which Akatsuki members are with Naruto in the original series?

Sasuke and Sakura were both with him at the time. In the original Naruto series, the only Akatsuki members that are shown are Itachi and Kisame. Hidan isn’t shown until later until the Shippūden series, and, as a matter of fact, Hidan and Naruto have actually never encountered each other except for in the Infinite Tsukuyomi