In welcher Folge rettet Sasuke Konoha?

In welcher Folge rettet Sasuke Konoha?

Naruto – Episode 109: Die Verlockung der Otos

◄ Episode 109 ►
Kanji: 音の誘い
Rōmaji: Oto no Izanai
Übersetzung: Otos Einladung
Erstausstrahlung: 17. November 2004

In welcher Folge kommt Sasuke zurück nach Konoha Boruto?

Naruto Shippūden – Episode 272: Kommt Sasuke zurück?

◄ Episode 272 / 52 ►
Kanji: うちはの力
Rōmaji: Uchiha no Chikara
Übersetzung: Stärke der Uchiha
Erstausstrahlung: 20. März 2008

Wird Naruto Sasuke besiegen?

Nachdem er Naruto sagt, dass er seinem älteren Bruder sehr ähnlich sei, gesteht Sasuke schlussendlich seine Niederlage ein. Als klar wird, dass beide in Folge ihres letzten Angriffs einen Arm verloren haben, versöhnen sich die beiden Freunde wieder.

Why did Sasuke leave Konoha in Naruto?

In Naruto, there are still questions fans have about Sasuke and his inconsistencies in his character development. Despite the name of the series being Naruto, it focuses more on Sasuke and getting him back to the village. Sasuke, the last Uchiha, leaves Konoha to get strong and exact his revenge against Itachi.

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When does Sasuke return in the manga?

Sasuke does return in manga near the end. However, sasuke is with naruto fighting in the war (that’s in naruto shippuuden so far). After naruto shippuuden in manga, you will find naruto garden. Naruto gaiden is when naruto marries and gets a daughter and a son.

Is Sasuke’s hatred for the konohan justified?

The fact of the matter is that Sasuke’s hatred towards the Konohan authorities that were responsible is justified. His murder of Danzo is perfectly normal in a ninja world and in some cases, preferred by many people, as I’m led to believe.

Could Sasuke have been happy with his brother?

Sasuke could have been happy with his brother, even though losing the clan would still be devastating. Instead, Itachi did what he did and it made Sasuke into a vengeful monster. Once Sasuke leaves Konoha and starts dressing himself, his wardrobe is hardly boring.

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