In welcher Folge sieht Naruto Kushina?

In welcher Folge sieht Naruto Kushina?

Naruto Shippūden – Episode 466: Das Mädchen mit den feuerroten Haaren

◄ Episode 466 / 246 ►
Kanji: オレンジ色の輝き
Rōmaji: Orenji iro no Kagayaki
Übersetzung: Orangener Schimmer
Erstausstrahlung: 26. Januar 2012

Wann erfährt Naruto wer seine Mutter ist?

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In welcher Folge verabschiedet sich Naruto und Minato?

Minato Namikaze informiert die ANBU über mögliche Gefahren von Shinobi aus anderen Ländern, die sich nach wie vor nach Krieg sehnen….Erstausstrahlung: (Deutschland)

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Was ist mit Narutos Mutter passiert?

Kushinas Tod Der Angriff zerstörte so allerdings die Behausung, in der Kushina mit Naruto untergebracht war. Die beiden konnten jedoch noch rechtzeitig von Minato gerettet werden. Danach wandte Kushina ein Fūinjutsu an, um das Kyūbi in Ketten zu legen und es in ihr selbst zu versiegeln.

Was ist mit Narutos Eltern passiert?

Narutos Vater, Minato Namikaze, starb beim Kampf gegen den Kyuubi, nachdem er Shiki Fuujin eingesetzt hatte. Seine Mutter Kushina Uzumaki starb, als sie von Minato in Naruto mitversiegelt wurde, damit sie eines Tages ihren Sohn noch einmal sehen kann.

What does Kushina say to Naruto?

Thank you… Thank you! „. ~ Kushina to Naruto. Kushina Namikaze (née Uzumaki) was one of the main supporting characters of the Naruto series, as well as a powerful kunoichi who was the wife of Minato Namikaze and the mother of Naruto Uzumaki. She was also the second Jinchuuriki of Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox.

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What did Kushina say to Minato at the end?

Kushina used her Chakra Chains to restrain Kurama. Kushina with strong determination told Minato that she is going to take Kurama down with her in death. She sadly thanked Minato for everything, and that she wished that she could see Naruto grow up and wished a future for their family of three.

How did Kushina defeat the Nine-Tails?

Picking up on this and realising Kushina was his mother, Naruto started to cry and embraced her. His happiness halted the Nine-Tails‘ spreading influence and Kushina used her Adamantine Sealing Chains to restrain the Nine-Tails in order to give them a chance to talk. As the chains emerged the Nine-Tails was surprised after recognising her chakra.

What happened to Kushina’s parents?

Kushina’s parents were presumed died, but Kushina was eventually founded by a group of Konoha Ninjas who took Kushina into the village where she was made a citizen. By the time she was 6 years old, she attended Konoha Ninja Academy where she met her future husband Minato for the first time.

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