In welcher Folge stirbt Flash Vater?

In welcher Folge stirbt Flash Vater?

In der „The Flash“-Episode #7.09 Vater der Forces bittet Barry (Grant Gustin) Timeless Wells (Tom Cavanagh) nach einem verheerenden Verrat um Hilfe.

Wann stirbt Henry Allen in The Flash?

Episode: #2.23 Rennen des Schicksals. Nachdem Zoom seinen wahren Plan verrät, schwört Barry, alles ihm Mögliche zu tun, um Zoom aufzuhalten, doch seine Freunde machen ihm vorerst einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Barry beobachtet verzweifelt, wie Henry vor seinen Augen stirbt, nachdem Hunter Zolomon ihn verletzt hat.

What happened to Harry Hargreeves in the Flash?

However, he eventually was exposed for being a fraud of a scientist, and everything fell apart for him on his Earth. When his business partner, Randolf Morgan, solved the cryptogram sent by Team Flash, H.R. was given an opportunity to come to Earth-1 to write a novel on his adventures.

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What episode does Harrison Wells appear in the Flash?

Harrison Wells refers to several things: “ Who is Harrison Wells? „, the nineteenth episode of the first season of The Flash. “ When Harry Met Harry… „, the sixth episode of the fourth season of The Flash and seventy-fifth episode overall.

What happened to HR on ‚the Flash‘?

Unfortunately, H.R. was found out as a fake, leading to his public humiliation and leaving him unable to make anything of his life now. H.R.’s holographic audition for Team Flash. However, luck turned around for H.R.; his old friend Randolf Morgan cracked the cryptogram sent out by Harry Wells, Cisco Ramon, and Caitlin Snow.

Why did the Flash bring HR to Earth 1?

H.R. was chosen to come to Earth-1 after sending a hologram of himself as a response to the cryptogram. Not long after moving to Earth-1, Team Flash figured out he was a fraud and had lied to them. H.R. pleaded his case that he was a useful ideas man but it only served to irritate Team Flash.

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