In welcher Folge stirbt Hayley Marshall?

In welcher Folge stirbt Hayley Marshall?

Hayley ist die Mutter von Klaus Mikaelsons Tochter Hope. Von der 2. Staffel bis zu seinem Tod in der 3. Staffel in The Originals war Hayley mit Jackson Kenner verheiratet….Gespielt von.

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Wie stirbt Hayley Marshall Kenner?

Hayley und Hope Ihre Tochter bedeutet ihr alles und Hayley würde alles für sie tun. Da Hope ein geborener Hybrid ist und Hayley kurz nach deren Geburt mit ihrem Blut im Kreislauf starb, wurde sie von ihrer Tochter in einen Hybriden verwandelt.

In welcher Folge kommt Hope zur Welt TVD?

Sie wurde in der Episode Lass es krachen (TVD) erwähnt, und in The Originals wurde offenbart, dass Hayley schwanger ist. In der Folge Von der Wiege bis ins Grab wurde Hope geboren.

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What happens to Hayley and her baby in the originals?

Hayley confronts a surprising enemy as she and her unborn baby fall into peril during a celebratory wake to honor a fallen member of the community. In order to save Hayley, Klaus and Elijah enlist the help of Genevieve who struggles to maintain control over Davina and the other young witches.

What happened to Klaus in the originals?

In the aftermath of a surprising attack on Marcel and his vampires at the compound, Davina and Cami join resources to take down Klaus. Finally, in a desperate move to protect those most important to him, Klaus makes a heartbreaking decision. Did You Know?

What happened to Davina on ‚the originals‘?

As the French Quarter prepares for its annual celebration of the Casket Girls Festival, Cami suffers through as Davina attempts to free her of Klaus‘ mind compulsion. Elijah and Marcel form an unlikely alliance as Klaus sets his plan in motion to get Davina back. Once it’s known that Davina is missing, Sophie gets in on the hunt to track her down.

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Does Jane Anne get a strand of Hayley’s hair in her hand?

Jane-Anne and Sophie exchange glances, and Jane-Anne reveals that she has several strands of Hayley’s hair in her hand.] [Hayley is driving down a country road; the shots alternate a few times between her and a scene with Jane-Anne and Sophie entering a cemetery, in which all the tombs are above-ground mausoleums.]