In welcher Folge stirbt Jules TVD?

In welcher Folge stirbt Jules TVD?

Vampire Diaries 2×12 Der Abstieg (The Descent)

Episode: Staffel: 2, Episode: 12 (Vampire Diaries 2×12)
Deutscher Titel der Episode: Der Abstieg
Titel der Episode im Original: The Descent
Erstausstrahlung der Episode in USA Donnerstag, 27.Januar 2011 (The CW)

Wann stirbt Taylor?

Auch mit den anderen freundet er sich mit der Zeit mehr und mehr an. Von der zweiten Staffel bis ungefähr zur fünften Staffel ist er mit Caroline Forbes zusammen. Dann stirbt Tyler selber in der fünften Staffel.

What happened to Mason on the Vampire Diaries Season 3?

He was a werewolf, friends with Jules and he also knew other members of her pack. He was killed by Damon Salvatore who ripped his heart out which resulted in instant death. In Season Three, Mason returns as a ghost and is determined to make Damon apologize for killing him and to help out Tyler.

What happened to Mason on the originals season 3?

He was killed by Damon Salvatore who ripped his heart out which resulted in instant death. In Season Three, Mason returns as a ghost and is determined to make Damon apologize for killing him and to help out Tyler. Mason was a member of the Lockwood Family and the Apisi Werewolf Bloodline .

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Who is Mason Lockwood in the Vampire Diaries?

Mason Lockwood was a character who first appeared in the first episode of the second season of The Vampire Diaries. He was a werewolf who was Richard Lockwood’s younger brother and Tyler’s uncle. A Mystic Falls native, he was estranged from the family before returning to Mystic Falls from Florida in the wake of Richard’s death.

What did Mason do to Tyler’s mom and Jeremy?

Mason later catches Tyler and Jeremy drinking beer and hints at Jeremy to leave. Afterwards, he drinks with his nephew. Later, Tyler breaks one of his father’s pictures. Enraged, he tries to attack his mom, but Mason comes in and stops him, knocking Tyler down onto the floor.