In welcher Pyramide wurde Tutanchamun beerdigt?

In welcher Pyramide wurde Tutanchamun beerdigt?

KV62 (KV als Akronym für Kings‘ Valley) bezeichnet in der Ägyptologie das Grab des Tutanchamun im Tal der Könige in West-Theben. In der Reihenfolge der Entdeckungen der Gräber im Tal ist es das 62. altägyptische Grab und liegt im östlichen Bereich der Königsnekropole.

Was wurde im Grab von Tutanchamun entdeckt?

Gemeinsam mit seinen Mitarbeitern entdeckt er weitere Stufen, die zu einer Tür führen. Auf dieser befindet sich das Siegel Tutanchamuns. Carter telegrafiert an Lord Carnarvon, er solle eilig nach Ägypten kommen. Gemeinsam finden sie zwei Wochen später in dem Grab einen Raum voller Kostbarkeiten, Statuen und Gold.

What does Tutankhamun mean?

1. What does Tutankhamun mean? Although the young king, buried in the small tomb discovered in the Valley of the Kings in November 1922 by the Egyptologist Howard Carter and his patron, Lord Carnarvon, is generally known by the name of Tutankhamun, it was not always the case.

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How did Tutankhamen die?

Others speculated his death was an accident. However, almost a century after his tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings, scientists used digital imaging and DNA testing to suggest King Tut most likely died from malaria or an infection. Modern technology has also shed light on other mysteries surrounding Tutankhamen.

What did King Tut have in his tomb?

Vocabulary King Tutankhamen—or King Tut as he is more commonly known today—was relatively unknown to the world until 1922, when his tomb was discovered by Howard Carter. His tomb contained thousands of artifacts, a sarcophagus containing his mummy, and a now-famous headdress.

Is Tutankhamun’s tomb cursed?

As famous as Tutankhamun and his burial treasure, deaths that occurred in the years that followed the discovery of the tomb revived the idea of a curse of the mummies, which emerged at the end of the nineteenth century.