In welcher Reihenfolge spielt man Metro?

In welcher Reihenfolge spielt man Metro?

Welche Spiele gibt es eigentlich?

  • Metro 2033 / Metro 2033 Redux.
  • Metro: Last Light / Metro: Last Light Redux.
  • Metro: Exodus (erscheint am 22.02.2019)

Was ist der beste Metro teil?

Metro: Exodus im Test – Der bisher beste Teil der Metro-Serie.

Wird es ein neues Metro geben?

Metro 4, oder wie der Nachfolger von Metro: Exodus heißen wird, setzt nun doch in erster Linie auf eine Einzelspieler-Story. So soll das neue Metro von der Leistung der Next-Gen-Konsolen profitieren, also beispielsweise auch wieder auf Raytracing setzen.

What are the new levels in Metro 2033 Redux?

In the Redux version of Metro 2033 several levels have been combined into very long single levels with no loading screens in between them; these are as follows: The „Prologue“ level is now called „Tower“. The levels „Lost Tunnels“, „Bridge“ and „Lost Catacombs“ are now one long level called „Lost Tunnel“.

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How is Metro 2033 meant to be played?

This is the true way the original, non-redux Metro 2033 was meant to be played. A game mode, newly introduced to the Redux version which focuses on the shooting part of the game instead which does not go hand in hand with the actual book by Dmitry Glukhovsky. Ammo is easily looted back, expect AI to be more vulnerable towards sneaking.

Is Metro Redux on Nintendo Switch?

Metro Redux has been released for the PS4 and the Xbox One, as well as PC, in August 2014. Almost six years later it was made available on the Nintendo Switch in February 2020. Ranger Mode is included in both games.

What happened in the year 2033?

In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the Earth’s surface into a poisonous wasteland. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow underground, and human civilization entered a new Dark Age. The year is 2033.

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