In welcher Staffel hat Naruto gegen Sasuke?

In welcher Staffel hat Naruto gegen Sasuke?


Welche Folge kämpft Sasuke gegen Kinshiki?

Angriff der Otsutsuki | Folge 62 Sasuke kämpft währenddessen gegen Kinshiki, der es auf Sarada abgesehen hat. Auch Gaara und die anderen greifen ins Geschehen ein. Letztendlich bittet Naruto Sasuke, die Kinder zu beschützen, während er seine Kraft einsetzt, um Momoshikis alles vernichtende Jutsu zu unterbinden.

Bei welcher Staffel kämpft Naruto gegen Sasuke?

Narutos Kämpfe

Folge(n) im Anime Kapitel im Manga Kämpfer
Episode 107 – 108 Band 20 Kapitel 175 – 176 Naruto vs Sasuke
Episode 119 – 123 Band 23 – 24 Kapitel 205 – 209 Naruto vs Kimimaro
Episode 128 – 134 Band 25 – 26 Kapitel 218 – 232 Naruto vs Sasuke
Episode 138 Filler Naruto & Jiraiya vs Kamikiri, Jigumo & Kagerou
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What is Sasuke’s reaction to Naruto’s attack?

Sasuke is surprised by the insidious chakra he senses, the sudden healing of Naruto’s wounds, and the increases to his strength and speed. Sasuke becomes angry and asks Naruto why he would go so far for him, to which Naruto responds that Sasuke is like a brother to him and that he simply can’t let him go.

What is Sasuke’s character like as an adult?

As an adult, Sasuke becomes wiser and mature, as well as genuinely warmer and caring, though his tendency to appear deadpan remains. He does retain his habit of insulting others, although it is usually more comical than cold, and mostly aimed towards Naruto.

What happened to Sasuke after the Uchiha massacre?

Sasuke, now one of the last surviving Uchiha, was alone. He spent the first few days after the massacre wandering his family’s compound, reflecting on the people who were now gone, killed by Itachi. Sasuke decided to do what Itachi had instructed and dedicated his life to vengeance, having no other interest than bringing about Itachi’s death.

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How did Sasuke react to the Shippuden massacre?

He spent the first few days after the massacre wandering his family’s compound, reflecting on the people who were now gone, killed by Itachi. Sasuke decided to do what Itachi had instructed and dedicated his life to vengeance, having no other interest than bringing about Itachi’s death.