Ist Adam Baldwin und Alec Baldwin verwandt?

Ist Adam Baldwin und Alec Baldwin verwandt?

Das Oberhaupt der Baldwin-Sippe ist eindeutig der älteste der vier Brüder, Alec Baldwin („The Departed“, „Jagd auf Roter Oktober“). Mit Schauspieler Adam Baldwin („The Last Ship“, „Full Metall Jacket“) sind die vier Baldwin-Brüder übrigens nicht verwandt.

Was hat Alec Baldwin gespielt?


Jahr Titel User-Wertung
1995 Endstation Sehnsucht 3,2
1994 Getaway 3,0
1994 Shadow und der Fluch des Khan 3,0
1993 Malice 3,3

Wo spielte Alec Baldwin mit?

2003 spielte er in dem Drama „The Cooler“ mit William H. Macy einen Casino-Boss und wurde für seine Performance für einen Oscar, einen Golden Globe und für einen Screen Actors Guild Award nominiert. Weitere Auftritte hatte Baldwin in Martin Scorseses „Aviator“ (2004) und „The Departed – Unter Feinden“(2006).

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Who is Adam Baldwin married to?

Adam Baldwin was born on February 27, 1962 in Winnetka, Illinois, USA. He is an actor, known for Serenity (2005), Independence Day (1996) and Full Metal Jacket (1987). He has been married to Ami Julius since 1988.

How old is Adam Baldwin from Full Metal Jacket?

Adam Baldwin (born February 27, 1962) is an American actor and voice actor. He starred in Full Metal Jacket (1987) as Animal Mother, as well as in the television series Firefly and its continuation film Serenity as Jayne Cobb. His roles include Stillman in Ordinary People (1980), Colonel John Casey in Chuck, and Mike Slattery in The Last Ship.

What kind of movies does Adam Baldwin appear in?

Adam Baldwin. Adam Baldwin (born February 27, 1962) is an American actor. He starred in Full Metal Jacket (1987) as Animal Mother, as well as in the television series Firefly and its continuation film Serenity as Jayne Cobb. His roles include Stillman in Ordinary People (1980), Colonel John Casey in Chuck, and Mike Slattery in The Last Ship.

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Is Adam Baldwin related to the Baldwin brothers?

It must be noted that no, Adam Baldwin is not related to the famous Baldwin brothers of Alec, Daniel, William, and Stephen. Now that we have that cleared up, Adam Baldwin made a big impact with his very first role in his career when he appeared as Ricky Linderman in the 1980 movie My Bodyguard.