Ist Harry Potter oder Herr der Ringe alter?

Ist Harry Potter oder Herr der Ringe älter?

J.K. Rowlings »Harry Potter« hat Fans, J.R.R. Tolkiens »Der Herr der Ringe« hat Jünger. »Bilbo lebt«, »Frodo ist Gott« und »Gandalf for President« sind die Losungen der Tolkienisten, die in Kasachstan sogar als Sekte verfolgt werden. Christopher Lee ist selbst ein Tolkien-Verehrer der ersten Stunde.

Ist Herr der Ringe ein Märchen?

Der Herr der Ringe ist eine in sich geschlossene Geschichte, aber auch eine Fortsetzung des Kinderbuchs Der Hobbit, die in vielen Punkten auf den mythenhaften Sagen und Legenden aus dem Silmarillion und den Nachrichten aus Mittelerde beruht.

Are Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings characters related?

Harry Potter takes place in about the late ‘90s in the UK, while Lord of the Rings takes place in about the 3000s in Middle-earth. Therefore, while some of the characters look similar, it would be pretty hard for them to be related. The first one is the obvious one, Dumbledore and Gandalf.

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What genre are Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings?

Both Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings are giants of the fantasy genre — in fact, the Rowling narrative is rather similar to Tolkien’s imagination in quite a few ways.

What is The Lord of the Rings / Harry Potter meme?

This is as much of a classic Lord of the Rings / Harry Potter meme as you could possibly get. This meme is literally the life of every fanboy or fangirl who has grown up in fandom. First, there’s Narnia, and wishing that the wondrous world would appear at the end of our closet.

How similar are JK Rowling and Lord of the Rings?

JK Rowling had to have come under the spotlight for how similar these two characters seemed. This is as much of a classic Lord of the Rings / Harry Potter meme as you could possibly get. This meme is literally the life of every fanboy or fangirl who has grown up in fandom.

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