Ist Louis Tomlinson Single?

Ist Louis Tomlinson Single?

Im Januar 2016 wurde Louis Tomlinson nach einer kurzen Beziehung mit der Amerikanerin Briana Jungwirth Vater eines Sohnes. Seine Mutter starb 2016 an Leukämie. Seit 2017 führt er eine Beziehung mit der Britin Eleanor Calder.

Hat Louis Tomlinson eine Freundin 2021?

Auch Louis Tomlinson ist wieder mit einer Freundin aus Jugendtagen, Model Eleanor Calder, liiert.

Haben sich Louis und Eleanor Getrennt 2021?

Seine wieder aufgeflammte Beziehung mit Jugendliebe Eleanor Calder ist mittlerweile so stark, dass bereits Hochzeits-Gerüchte die Runde machten. „Davon habe ich gehört“, sagt Louis Tomlinson im Interview mit der britischen Boulevardzeitung „Sun“. Die Gerüchte seien aber „nicht wahr“.

Who is Louis Tomlinson’s girlfriend Eleanor Calder?

Louis Tomlinson, 29, and girlfriend Eleanor Calder, 28, have successfully kept their relationship out of the spotlight pretty much the whole time they’ve been together. So when they make a rare appearance together One Direction fans go wild no matter how small the interaction.

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Where does Eleanor Calder live now?

She now lives in London, seemingly with Louis. Are Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder engaged? In January 2020 it was reported Eleanor and Louis were engaged, after a gossip site story spread among One Direction fans. However, a representative for Louis quickly denied the speculation to the tabloids.

Is Louis Tomlinson married and does he have a child?

Louis then had a son, Freddie, with close friend Brianna Jungwirth in January 2016 but in 2017, Louis and Eleanor reconciled. What has Louis said about his relationship with Eleanor? Although the couple prefers to keep their romance out of the public eye, Louis has proved how in love he is with his girlfriend in past interviews.

Who is Louis Tomlinson’s wife Eleanor Goodhart?

The moment was a fleeting one as Louis adjusted the cap model Eleanor had just placed on her beloved dog Cliff’s head. Eleanor has become a star in her own right since meeting Louis, with over three million followers on Instagram. The couple keep their romance well away from social media, despite being together for four years.

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