Ist Lupin mit Harry Potter verwandt?

Ist Lupin mit Harry Potter verwandt?

Lupin ist der Nachname einer Zaubererfamilie, allerdings besitzen sie sowohl Muggel- als auch magisches Erbgut. Sie sind verwandt mit der Familie Tonks und somit entfernt mit den Familien Black, Malfoy und Potter.

In welchem Teil stirbt Remus Lupin?

Remus Lupin

Remus John Lupin
Biographische Information
Hinter den Kulissen
Erster Auftritt Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban
Letzter Auftritt Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes (Film 2)

Wie sind Harry und Sirius verwandt?

Nach dem Stammbaum der Familie Black ist Sirius Black verwandtschaftlich mit fast allen bekannten Zaubererfamilien verbunden, die in den Harry-Potter-Romanen genannt werden: Violetta Black geb. Bulstrode ist Sirius‘ Urgroßmutter mütterlicherseits.

What is Remus Lupin famous for?

Remus Lupin. Professor Remus John Lupin (10 March, 1960 – 2 May, 1998) was a Welsh werewolf and the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from September 1993 to June 1994. Biography. Early life. Remus John Lupin was the only child of the wizard Lyall Lupin and his Muggle wife, Hope Howell.

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How is Remus Lupin related to Bellatrix Lestrange?

Everyone knows that Bellatrix Lestrange was Lord Voldemort’s favorite Death Eater. Not only that, but she was also one of his most powerful servants. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Remus Lupin was actually related to her by marriage. This is because Lupin married Bellatrix’s niece, Nymphadora Tonks.

Why does Remus Lupin have to go to the Shrieking Shack?

— Description of Lupin’s transformations [src] Remus attended Hogwarts and was Sorted into Gryffindor House. To secure his safety, as well as that of his peers, Remus would be brought to the Shrieking Shack once a month for his transformations in order to prevent him from attacking other students.

What did Remus Lupin do to survive being a werewolf?

One invention in the wizarding world, the Wolfsbane Potion, gave Remus hope. It allowed a werewolf to keep his human mind during transformation and minimised the illness before and after. However, it was costly and complex, and Remus could not sample it without admitting to what he was, and so continued his lonely existence .

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