Ist Mad Max Fury Road eine Fortsetzung?

Ist Mad Max Fury Road eine Fortsetzung?

Mad Max: The Wasteland
Mad Max: Fury Road/Fortsetzungen

Was ist in Mad Max passiert?

Die Handlung ist in einer nicht näher bezeichneten Zukunft in Australien angesiedelt, in deren Mittelpunkt der Konflikt zwischen einer Rockerbande und dem Polizisten Max Rockatansky, der Mord an dessen Frau und Sohn sowie dessen Rachefeldzug stehen.

Was kommt nach Mad Max Fury Road?

Bekannt ist dagegen schon der geplante Kinostart: In Deutschland soll „Mad Max: Furiosa“ am 22. Juni 2023 in die Kinos kommen.

Wann kommt Mad Max 2 raus?

August 1982 erschien der Film in den deutschen Kinos und 1983 auf Video. Die Handlung setzt drei Jahre nach den Ereignissen von Mad Max ein.

Where was Mel Gibson’s ‚Mad Max‘ filmed?

Not only had Mel hit all the turbulence in his life, but this is not a ‘Mad Max’ in which he’s an old warrior. The production scouted the world for a new location and settled on the African country of Namibia, home to a 1,200-mile desert that’s virtually uninhabited.

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What happened to the original Mad Max 4?

The original Mad Max 4 starring Mel Gibson almost moved forward as a real movie twice. The actor was signed on, and a story was firmly in place. And if everything had of gone according to plan, it would have been in theaters summer 2001. But then something tragic happened.

What happened to the original Max from Fury Road?

“Fury Road” was also going to star the original Max, Mel Gibson, now 59. But then he was busted for drunken driving, called a police officer “sugar tits,” was embroiled in an ugly battle with his girlfriend, made anti-Semitic comments and was secretly recorded ranting insanely at a screenwriter.

What happened to George Miller from Mad Max?

„Then Mel hit all that turbulence in his life.“ While George Miller was attempting to get Mad Max 4 back off the ground, his leading man was arrested for drunk driving in a well publicized mishap, and he would go onto make headlines for his venomous anti-Semitic remarks.

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