Ist Sailor Moon Sailor Cosmos?

Ist Sailor Moon Sailor Cosmos?

Nachdem Sailor Galaxia stirbt, offenbart Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon ihre wahre Gestalt als Sailor Cosmos. Sie gibt Sailor Moon den Mut, sich ins Cauldron zu stürzen und damit den Versuch Chaos zu besiegen.

Wann kommt die 4 Staffel Sailor Moon Crystal raus?

Sailor Moon erobert 2020 die Kinosäle Bereits 2017 wurde im Rahmen eines Events verkündet, der Sailor Moon Crystal-Anime werde keine 4. Staffel erhalten. Stattdessen sollte die Geschichte in Form zweier Kinofilme fortgesetzt werden.

Wie heißen die Figuren von Sailor Moon?

Innere Kriegerinnen / Inner Senshi, bestehend aus Sailor Merkur, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter und Sailor Venus. Sie sind die Leibwächterinnen der Mondprinzessin Serenity (Sailor Moon). Äußere Kriegerinnen / Outer Senshi, bestehend aus Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptun, Sailor Pluto und Sailor Saturn.

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Who is Galaxia in Sailor Moon?

Sailor Galaxia is the main antagonist in the 5th and final season of the anime and becomes Sailor Moon’s strongest and most dangerous of opponents. As the self-proclaimed „Golden Queen of Shadow Galactica,“ she directly commands the Sailor Animamates.

Is Galaxia the strongest Sailor Senshi?

In the anime’s 5th and final season, Sailor Galaxia was once ranked as the legendarily strongest Sailor Senshi in the Milky Way Galaxy. She, along with many other planetary Sailor Senshi fought the Sailor Wars against the source of all malice, Chaos, whose very nature was to consume the galaxy and all of its inhabitants.

Does Sailor Galaxia have a temper?

When she was good, Sailor Galaxia was a kind and caring person, willing to seal away Chaos within herself to save the entire galaxy. In her battle with Sailor Moon and the Starlights, Galaxia revealed that she has a temper when she cannot have what she wants.

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Why did Sailor Galaxia release her soul?

However, the greatest battle for Sailor Galaxia had only begun when Chaos now began tearing at her soul with each heartbeat and she finally realized that her soul was slowly succumbing to the evil entity’s rule. Instead of releasing Chaos, she released her soul, her star seed, into space where it would be untainted by Chaos.