Sind Shisui und Itachi Cousins?

Sind Shisui und Itachi Cousins?

Shisui Uchiha war bekannt als „Shinshin no Shisui“ (dt….

Shisui Uchiha
Größe: Unbekannt
Gewicht: Unbekannt
Blutgruppe: Unbekannt
Familie: Uchiha Clan Itachi Uchiha (Cousin) Sasuke Uchiha (Cousin) Mikoto Uchiha (Tante) Fugaku Uchiha (Onkel)

War Shisui Uchiha bei der Anbu?

Er war in der ANBU-Einheit und kämpfte einmal gegen Ao, dieser behielt das Chakra von Shisui im Gedächtnis und erkannte es Jahre später beim Treffen der Kage wieder.

Wie viele Jahre Unterschied haben itachi und Sasuke?

wenn man jetzt wirklich davon ausgeht, dass Itachi 20 ist, als er wieder in Konohagakure auftaucht, dann beträgt ja der altersunterschied zwischen ihm und Sasuke (der ja zu dem zeitpunkt wahrscheinlich schon 13 ist) 7 jahre (mindestens).

Who is Shisui Uchiha?

Shisui Uchiha, renowned as „Shisui of the Body Flicker“, Shunshin no Shisui; English TV „Shisui the Teleporter“), was a shinobi from Konohagakure’s Uchiha clan and an minor character of the Naruto franchise. He was a best friend of Itachi Uchiha. Danzo stole his right eye but escape from him before he would steal his left eye.

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Why is Shisui so obsessed with Itachi?

When Itachi began to act oddly, Shisui was instructed by the Konoha Military Police Force to monitor Itachi because the younger Uchiha’s position in Anbu was instrumental to the Uchiha’s future status in Konoha. Unbeknownst to the clan, Shisui in reality sympathised with Itachi, not wanting the Uchiha to go to war with the village.

Why did Shisui use Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku Uchiha?

Shisui approached the Hiruzen Sarutobi revealing the truth to the Third Hokage. Trusting Shisui, seeing as he is Kagami Uchiha’s descendant, Hiruzen allowed the Uchiha to spy on his clan for the village. Ultimately, it was decided that Shisui would use his Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku Uchiha to subtly end the coup d’état plan.

Why did Hiruzen allow the Uchiha to spy on his clan?

Trusting Shisui, seeing as he is Kagami Uchiha’s descendant, Hiruzen allowed the Uchiha to spy on his clan for the village. Shisui was perplexed that the clan would not deter from the coup d’état that they were planning and soon became greatly concerned with the consequences that would follow their actions.

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