Unter welchen Namen ist die Insel Kiritimati besser bekannt?

Unter welchen Namen ist die Insel Kiritimati besser bekannt?

Kiritimati (kiribatische Aussprache: [kiˈɾismæs]; kiribatische Schreibung des Wortlauts „Christmas“; vormals Christmas Island, „Weihnachtsinsel“) ist ein zu Kiribati gehörendes Atoll der Line Islands im Zentralpazifik.

Was macht den Inselstaat Kiribati einzigartig?

Der Großteil des Landes befindet sich weniger als zwei Meter über dem Meeresspiegel mit Ausnahme der Vulkaninsel Banaba, die mit 81 m die höchste Erhebung des Inselstaates ist. Damit dürfte Kiribati eines der ersten Länder sein, die infolge des Klimawandels zum Großteil im Meer versinken werden.

Where is Kiritimati Island?

He had been posted to Kiritimati (Ki-ris-i-mas or Christmas) Island, one of 33 low-lying islands that constitute the nation state of Kiribati in the Pacific. It’s a stunning coral atoll with crystal-clear waters, blue skies – and a shocking legacy of British military occupation.

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Who first discovered Kiritimati?

The atoll was discovered by Captain James Cook on the eve of the 24th December 1777 during his third Pacific voyage who named it “Christmas Island” Being the greatest land area of any coral atoll in the world, Kiritimati has land area is of 388 square kilometers (150 square miles); its lagoon is roughly the same size.

Where is Christmas Island located in the world?

Christmas Island is located in the Indian Ocean, around 350 kilometres (220 mi) south of Java and Sumatra and around 1,550 kilometres (960 mi) north-west of the closest point on the Australian mainland. It has an area of 135 square kilometres (52 sq mi). Christmas Island is located towards the southern edge of the equatorial region.

What is the history of the island of Christmas Island?

The island was later named on Christmas Day (25 December) 1643 by Captain William Mynors, but only settled in the late 19th century. Its geographic isolation and history of minimal human disturbance has led to a high level of endemism among its flora and fauna, which is of interest to scientists and naturalists.

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