Wann ist Andrew Lloyd Webber?

Wann ist Andrew Lloyd Webber?

Andrew Lloyd Webber wird am 22. März 1948 in London geboren. Sein musikalisches Können wird ihm schon in die Wiege gelegt, denn seine Eltern sind der bekannte Komponist William Lloyd Webber und die Pianistin Jean Hermione.

Wann begann Andrew Lloyd Webber zu komponieren?

Im Alter von nur sechs Jahren beginnt der kleine Andrew bereits mit dem Komponieren. Drei Jahre später veröffentlicht er seine erste Suite, ein Musikstück für Kinder. Trotz seines großen Talents im Komponieren beginnt Webber 1965 ein Geschichtsstudium und nicht etwa ein Studium im musikalischen Bereich.

When is Andrew Lloyd Webber’s birthday?

To celebrate his 70th birthday today (22 March), we’ve put together a list of little known but fascinating facts about theatre giant and visionary, Andrew Lloyd Webber. Happy birthday, Andrew! 1. Andrew Lloyd Webber shares his birthday with another musical great

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How many musicals has Lloyd Webber composed?

Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron Lloyd-Webber (born 22 March 1948) is an English composer and impresario of musical theatre. Several of his musicals have run for more than a decade both in the West End and on Broadway. He has composed 13 musicals, a song cycle, a set of variations, two film scores, and a Latin Requiem Mass.

How old was Lloyd Webber when he wrote the likes of US?

In 1965, when Lloyd Webber was a 17-year-old budding musical-theatre composer, he was introduced to the 20-year-old aspiring pop-song writer Tim Rice. Their first collaboration was The Likes of Us, a musical based on the true story of Thomas John Barnardo.

What does Lloyd Webber do for charity?

Lloyd Webber is also the president of the Arts Educational Schools London, a performing arts school located in Chiswick, West London. He is involved in a number of charitable activities, including the Elton John AIDS Foundation, Nordoff Robbins, Prostate Cancer UK and War Child.

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