Wann ist der erste Kuss von Damon und Elena?

Wann ist der erste Kuss von Damon und Elena?

In der 4. Staffel gesteht sich Elena ihre Gefühle für Damon ein. Nachdem sie sich von Stefan (Paul Wesley) getrennt hat, tanzen die beiden und es kommt zum Kuss.

In welcher Staffel küsst Damon Elena im Regen?

Vampire Diaries Staffel 6: Elena und Damon küssen sich im Regen (Spoiler)

In welcher Folge küssen sich Elena und Stefan zum ersten Mal?

Stefan und Elena lassen endlich ihren Gefühlen freien Lauf und Elena gesteht Stefan ihre Liebe! Das perfekte erste Mal für Stelena! Hier findest du die Vorschau auf Folge 10!

Did Elena and Damon kiss in Season 1?

Throughout season 1, the villainous vampire formed a reluctant friendship with Elena, which led to the elder Salvatore falling in love with his brother’s girlfriend. Elena tentatively kissed Damon for the first time while the vampire was dying from a werewolf bite.

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What is Elena and Stefan’s first kiss?

Stefan and Elena’s first kiss is surely one to remember it happens early in the first season. Stefan was the new student with a dark allure to him that was intoxicating. He had his eyes set on Elena. Elena goes to see Stefan at his home near the end of episode two. Elena feels safe with Stefan and tells her how she feels.

Is Damon in love with Elena in Mystic Falls?

Damon initially arrived in Mystic Falls as Stefan’s older, darker brother. Throughout season 1, the villainous vampire formed a reluctant friendship with Elena, which led to the elder Salvatore falling in love with his brother’s girlfriend.

Are Elena and Damon in love in the Vampire Diaries?

By Leah Flavell Published Aug 28, 2020 Damon and Elena were arguably the most epic romance in The Vampire Diaries. Viewers initially met Elena as she pursued a relationship with Damon’s brother Stefan, while the elder Salvatore established himself as a villainous presence in Mystic Falls.

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