Wann ist Erasmus von Rotterdam geboren?

Wann ist Erasmus von Rotterdam geboren?

28. Oktober 1466
Erasmus von Rotterdam/Geburtsdatum

Erasmus Desiderius von Rotterdam wurde als zweites Kind des Priesters Rotger Gerard wahrscheinlich am 28. Oktober 1466 in Rotterdam geboren. Sein Geburtsdatum wird aber auch mit den Jahren 1465 und 1469 angegeben. Erasmus Desiderius von Rotterdam besuchte die Schulen in Gouda und Deventer.

Welches Benimmbuch veröffentlichte Erasmus von Rotterdam 1529?

In seinem Benimmbuch „De civilitate“ von 1529 heißt es: „Vor allem sollten alle zurückhaltend sein, besonders aber Menschen, die zu führenden Aufgaben berufen sind. “ Für die Auftritte im Bundestag ist dieser Hinweis sicher nicht zu unterschätzen.

Who was Desiderius Erasmus?

The intellectual middleman (one who negotiates) during the last years of Christian unity, he remains one of European culture’s most controversial figures. Desiderius Erasmus was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands, probably on October 27, 1466, the second son of a priest, Roger Gerard, and Margaret, a physician’s daughter.

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What was life like for Erasmus early years?

Early years. Desiderius Erasmus was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands, probably on October 27, 1466, the second son of a priest, Roger Gerard, and Margaret, a physician’s daughter. His parents were unmarried at the time of his birth. School life shaped Erasmus from his fifth year onward.

What did Erasmus of Rotterdam Do?

Erasmus of Rotterdam 1 A Brief Stint in the Priesthood. In 1492, poverty forced Erasmus into monastery life and he was ordained a Catholic priest, but it seems that he never actively worked as 2 Life as a Professional Scholar. While in Paris, Erasmus became known as an excellent scholar and lecturer. 3 Later Life and Death.

Where did the name Erasmus come from?

He was named after Saint Erasmus of Formiae, whom Erasmus’s father Gerard personally favored. A 17th-century legend has it that Erasmus was first named Geert Geerts (also Gerhard Gerhards or Gerrit Gerritsz), but this is unfounded.

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