Wann ist Maggie Simpson geboren?

Wann ist Maggie Simpson geboren?

Im Vorspann kann man erkennen das Maggie 847,63 $ kostet, ein Betrag, der einmal als der Geldbedarf galt, den ein Baby in den USA in einem Monat des Jahres 1989 an Unterhalt kostete. Ab Episode 430 in der 20….Maggie Simpson.

Adresse: 742 Evergreen Terrace
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Besondere Merkmale: Schnuller
Alter: 1(manchnmal 2)

Wo ist Maggie Simpsons?

Maggie Simpson ist das jüngste Mitglied der Familie Simpson. Sie ist ein Jahr alt und lutscht ständig an ihrem roten Schnuller. Mit ihrer Familie lebt sie in 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield.

Warum ist Mrs Krabappel passiert?

In einer kleinen Szene hat sich die Animationsserie The Simpsons in der jüngsten Episode The Man Who Grew too Much von der Figur Edna Krabappel verabschiedet. Deren Sprecherin Marcia Wallace war im vergangenen Oktober an Brustkrebs verstorben.

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Wann ist Lisa Simpson geboren?

9. Mai 1981
Lisa Simpson/Geburtsdatum

What happened to Maggie on the Simpsons?

―Pazuzu leaving Maggie’s body. Margaret Evelyn „Maggie“ Simpson (born January 14, 1989), is the 1 year old, and youngest, child of Marge and Homer, and the baby sister to Bart and Lisa on The Simpsons. She is often seen sucking on her pacifier, and, when she walks, she trips over her clothing and falls on her face.

What episode of the Simpsons does Marge crack?

Marge Simpson finally cracks under the stress of managing a household and raising three kids with no help from Homer in the 1992 episode „Homer Alone,“ necessitating a trip to Rancho Relaxo.

Does Maggie Simpson share food with Homer Jr?

Now named Homer Jr., Homer takes the baby for a ride in the stroller with Maggie and the rest of his family on a visit to the Springfield City Zoo. As already established with the Mr. Burns shooting incident, Maggie Simpson does not share food.

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What episode does Homer have a baby on the Simpsons?

In the episode, “Labor Pains,” Homer helps a woman give birth to a baby in an elevator, which then bonds with Homer. Now named Homer Jr., Homer takes the baby for a ride in the stroller with Maggie and the rest of his family on a visit to the Springfield City Zoo.