Wann kommt Cedric in Harry Potter?

Wann kommt Cedric in Harry Potter?

Cedric begann sein sechstes Jahr im September 1994, dem gleichen Jahr, in dem das Trimagische Turnier wiederbelebt wurde. Im passenden Alter von mindestens 17 Jahren, warf Cedric seinen Namen in den Feuerkelch, um Hogwarts‘ Champion zu werden.

Wie heißt Cedrics Mutter?

Die Handlung spielt im Jahr 1872. Der achtjährige Cedric Errol, dessen verstorbener Vater Engländer war, lebt mit seiner aus den USA stammenden Mutter und der Hebamme Mary in sehr bescheidenen Verhältnissen in einem geschäftigen Stadtteil von New York City.

Who was Cedric Diggory?

Cedric Diggory was too good for the world of Harry Potter. Even though he died way before his time, there’s still plenty you may not know about him. Cedric Diggory was too good for the world of Harry Potter. He was kind, strong, intelligent, beautiful, and brave.

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What year did Cedric Potter start his sixth year at Hogwarts?

In the summer of 1994, Cedric attended the Quidditch World Cup with his father, travelling to the game with the Weasleys, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger as he and his father lived close to the Burrow. Cedric started his sixth year in September 1994, the same year that the Triwizard Tournament was reinstated.

What happened to Cedric in the Harry Potter series?

While Cedric only makes a brief appearance throughout the series, his life (and death) went on to become a major topic of discussion among fans of the books and films. Later, Cedric even became a large part of the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. It was Cedric’s death that caused so much turmoil throughout the wizarding world.

Who is Cedric Diggory in The Twilight Zone?

In the movie, Cedric Diggory was portrayed by actor Robert Pattinson. While Cedric only makes a brief appearance throughout the series, his life (and death) went on to become a major topic of discussion among fans of the books and films.

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