Wann stirbt Kabuto Naruto?

Wann stirbt Kabuto Naruto?


Staffel: Manga:
Naruto Shippuuden Staffel 15 Kapitel 583, Kapitel 584

Wie alt ist Kabuto in Boruto?

Kabuto Yakushi

Kabuto Yakushi ♂
Alter: Teil 1: 19–20 Jahre
Teil 2: 23–24 Jahre
Größe: Teil 1: 176,2 cm
Teil 2: 177 cm

Wer ist Kabutos Mutter?

Als Nonne arbeitete sie von nun an in einem Waisenhaus. Eines Tages fand sie ein Kind in der Nähe eines zerstörten Dorfes. Sie heilte und brachte ihn in das Waisenhaus. Aufgrund des Gedächtnisverlustes des Jungen nannte Nonō ihn Kabuto, nach dem Helm, welches er in dem Moment trug.

Who is Kabuto in Naruto Shippuden?

~ Kabuto speaking to Naruto about his origin. Kabuto Yakushi (in Japanese: 薬師カブト, Yakushi Kabuto) is the secondary antagonist of Part I of the Naruto series and a major antagonist in Part II, Naruto Shippuden.

Why is Kabuto so obsessed with Sasuke?

After taking in Orochimaru’s remains, Kabuto has demonstrated more arrogant ambition, wanting to become more powerful than his master. Like Orochimaru, he wants to increase his knowledge in techniques, which has lead to Kabuto becoming obsessed with capturing and studying Sasuke.

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What happened to Kabuto after the war?

Kabuto feels indebted to Itachi for restoring to him the knowledge of who he is and where in the world he most belongs; he later returns the favour to Itachi by saving Sasuke’s life. After the war, Kabuto returns to the orphanage where he was raised – his long-neglected true home – and resumes the life he once had there.

What do you know about Kabuto Yakushi?

~ Kabuto Yakushi speaking to Naruto about his origin. If you’re not satisfied with what you’ve had, just find other things and add them to yourself from here on out. ~ Kabuto Yakushi’s philosophy from Orochimaru. Kabuto Yakushi (in Japanese: 薬師カブト, Yakushi Kabuto) is a major antagonist in the Naruto franchise.
