Wann treffen sich Itachi und Sakura?

Wann treffen sich Itachi und Sakura?

Naruto Shippūden – Episode 341: Versammelt euch!

◄ Episode 341 / 121 ►
Rōmaji: Ugokidasu monotachi
Übersetzung: Auf den Weg machen
Erstausstrahlung: 06. August 2009
Special: Keines

Wann trifft Naruto Itachi?

Im Vierten Ninjaweltkrieg wird Itachi wiederbelebt, er trifft auf Naruto und erfährt dadurch von Sasukes Entschluss Konoha zu zerstören. Er sieht nun ein, dass der Versuch Sasuke zu manipulieren, der falsche Weg war, er vertraut Sasukes Schicksal stattdessen Naruto an.

In welcher Boruto Folge wird Naruto entführt?

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Folge 64: Narutos Rettung!!

Why does Sakura hate Itachi so much?

During her two-and-a-half year training with Tsunade, Sakura discovered that Itachi is Sasuke’s brother and he is the person Sasuke desires to kill in order to avenge their clan. Knowing Itachi is the person behind Sasuke’s pain and suffering, Sakura vowed to hate Itachi.

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Does Sasuke marry Sakura and Itachi?

Sakura married Sasuke and Itachi returned to the village to rebuild his life, trying not to envy the love his brother found. With baby Sarada on the way, Sasuke brings Sakura to live in the Uchiha family estate under Itachi’s care while he goes on a mission. What will Itachi do when Sasuke is gone longer than he expected?

What would Sasuke have done if Itachi had been there?

If Itachi had been there, Sasuke might have been willing to form better relationships with those around him. He might have even been willing to focus on a romantic relationship with his future wife. Sasuke spent a lot of time being incredibly angry at his brother. This anger fueled him.

Does Itachi have a farm in Konoha?

Itachi convinces her otherwise. [Nonmass ItaSaku] [for ItaSaku week 2021] Itachi owns a renowned farm just outside of Konoha & invites Sasuke and his high school friends for a Halloween weekend bash, he needs some feedback on his newly built corn maze.

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