War Twilight erfolgreich?

War Twilight erfolgreich?

Der Auftakt zur Teenie-Saga war in Deutschland ganz besonders erfolgreich: Das Einspielergebnis von 23,7 Millionen hierzulande war das zweithöchste weltweit (nach Nordamerika), insgesamt betrugen die Filmeinnahmen 392,6 Millionen US-Dollar – kein schwacher kommerzieller Trost für zahlreiche Verrisse und diesen …

Ist Twilight beliebt?

Die deutschsprachigen Ausgaben der vier „Biss“-Bücher über die Liebesgeschichte von Bella Swan und Vampir Edward Cullen verkauften sich insgesamt mehr als zehn Millionen Mal, wie der Carlsen Verlag mitteilte. Weltweit lägen die Verkäufe bei mehr als 100 Millionen.

How much did Twilight sell in the US?

Twilight had its first full week of sales adding 2.46 million units to its running tally of 6.03 million, which is the best for 2009 so far. It also become the film DVD to cross the century mark with $108.32 million in sales so far. More…

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How much will Star Wars VII make at the box office?

Disney is projecting a $238 million opening weekend for Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens as of Sunday morning, a figure that will make it, by some margin, the highest-grossing film on opening weekend at the domestic box office. Jurassic World holds the current domestic record, at $208.8 million.

Will ‚beyond the lights‘ make $200 million at the box office?

There are only seven films opening wide this month. Of those, Beyond the Lights will likely not make an impact at the box office. Every other film has at least a reasonable shot at $100 million. More than half the of the films opening this month could hit $200 million.

Is Twilight the best-selling DVD of 2009?

It was a strange week on the sales chart, as the best new release didn’t come out last Tuesday. Twilight came out on Saturday, sold an estimated 3 million units on its first day and 4.65 million units over two. And with that, it instantly became the second-best-selling DVD of 2009 in terms of units sold, and the best in terms of raw dollars.

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