Warum hat Trapper MASH verlassen?

Warum hat Trapper MASH verlassen?

Captain John Francis „Trapper“ McIntyre In der Serie wurde dieser Part jedoch „Hawkeye“ zugestanden, da Alan Alda der bekanntere Schauspieler war. Rogers verließ die Serie am Ende der dritten Staffel mit der Bemerkung, man habe ihm „seine Identität gestohlen“.

Warum musste Henry Blake sterben?

Er starb während einer Operation an Herzversagen und wurde auf dem Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Hollywood Hills beigesetzt. Roger Bowen, der die Rolle des Henry Blake im MASH-Kinofilm gespielt hatte, starb einen Tag später – ebenfalls an Herzversagen.

Für was steht MASH?

MASH steht als Abkürzung für: Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, ein mobiles chirurgisches Feldhospital in Frontnähe.

What is Larry Linville famous for?

Lawrence Lavon „Larry“ Linville (September 29, 1939 – April 10, 2000) was an American actor. He was known for his portrayal of obnoxious, overly pious, self-centered and inept surgeon Major Frank Burns in the hit CBS-TV series M*A*S*H .

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Why did David Linville leave M*A*S*H?

Linville also felt that he had taken the Frank Burns character as far as he could, given how M*A*S*H had developed, and decided to leave the series so he could pursue other, more challenging roles.

Why did Larry Linville turn down a contract with frankfrank?

Frank’s unnatural storyline is because Larry Linville’s five-year contract was up. Although he was offered a 2-year extension, he turned it down. Allegedly, he felt like he took Frank Burns as far as he could go, and there was not much more character to develop.

What happened to Larry Linville’s wife?

In 1993, Linville married Deborah Guydon and remained married to her until his death in 2000. On April 10, 2000, Larry Linville passed away in New York City due to complications related to a surgery which he had undergone in February 1998.
