Warum heissen die Kirchenlieder Gregorianischer Choral?

Warum heißen die Kirchenlieder Gregorianischer Choral?

Der gregorianische Choral ist nach Papst Gregor I. († 604) benannt, der auch Gregor der Große genannt wird. Die angebliche Beziehung eines Papstes namens Gregor zu den später als gregorianisch bezeichneten Gesängen taucht schriftlich nachweisbar erstmals im zweiten Drittel des 9.

Wie nennt man die einstimmigen liturgischen Gesänge der westlichen Kirchen in lateinischer Sprache?

Der gregorianische Choral ist ein einstimmiger liturgischer Gesang der römischen Kirche in lateinischer Sprache. Er ist benannt nach Papst Gregor I., der um 600 eine Reformierung der Liturgie vornahm.

Did Pope Gregory I write Gregorian chant?

Nevertheless, the lore surrounding Pope Gregory I was sufficient to culminate in his portrayal as the actual author of Gregorian Chant. He was often depicted as receiving the dictation of plainchant from a dove representing the Holy Spirit, thus giving Gregorian chant the stamp of being divinely inspired.

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What is an example of Gregorian chant at mass?

For instance, when the priest sings, „the Lord be with you,“ and the congregation responds in song, „and with your spirit,“ they are performing Gregorian chant, because those holy texts are an essential part of the Mass, Black told Catholic News Service during a recent interview. Most Catholics have performed Gregorian chant,

What is the origin of the Gregorian repertory?

The Gregorian repertory was systematized for use in the Roman Rite. According to James McKinnon, the core liturgy of the Roman Mass was compiled over a brief period in the late 7th century. Other scholars, including Andreas Pfisterer and Peter Jeffery, have argued for an earlier origin for the oldest layers of the repertory.

What’s the difference between Renaissance polyphony and Gregorian chant?

However, in the 16th century, after culture was put back together, Renaissance polyphony — with its elaborate texturized harmonies — became the dominant music in the church and eclipsed Gregorian chant for a time, McDonnell said.

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