Warum ist Ahsoka Tano gestorben?

Warum ist Ahsoka Tano gestorben?

In der letzten Folge „Sieg und Niederlage“ stürzt Ahsoka schließlich in einer wild-spektakulären Sequenz auf einem unbekannten Mond ab, gemeinsam mit ihrem alten Klonkamerad Rex, den sie vorher mit einem beherzten chirurgischen Eingriff den Jedi-Tötungsbefehl Order 66 aus dem Kopf schlug.

Was geschah mit ventress?

Danach unterwies sie der auf Rattatak gestrandete Jedi Ky Narec im Umgang mit der Macht, doch wurde er vor Abschluss ihrer Ausbildung während eines Krieges getötet. Asajj Ventress rächte den Tod ihres Meisters, eroberte den Planeten und schloss sich der Konföderation unabhängiger Systeme an.

What is the best moment of the Ahsoka/Anakin relationship in Star Wars?

The fight between Ahsoka and Anakin and Obi-Wan is fantastic, but the better moment of the relationship is Anakin’s plea for the Father to do something to bring Ahsoka back. With Anakin as a conduit, the Daughter’s energy is used to revive Ahsoka, who thankfully survived the whole ordeal.

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Did Ahsoka die in the Clone Wars?

Ahsoka did die once during the Clone Wars but for a very brief period of time. It was 20 BBY and she was on the home planet of the avatars of the Force: the Father, the Daughter and the Son. But Anakin Skywalker and the Daughter swiftly resurrected her, she went on to live at least until 1 BBY.

Why did they make Ahsoka a Padawan?

According to creator George Lucas, Ahsoka was created to give Anakin a more settled vibe, help reduce his recklessness and make him more responsible. Ahsoka does all that, and much more, as Anakin’s Padawan who is twice as likely to disobey as he is.

What happened to Ahsoka’s lightsaber?

Sometime during the Age of the Empire, Anakin as Darth Vader went to the moon where Ahsoka’s Star Destroyer crash-landed and only found her lightsaber, leading him to Believe that his former apprentice had been killed on board. He kept her old lightsaber. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

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