Warum ist Mumbai so anziehend?

Warum ist Mumbai so anziehend?

Mumbai ist erschütternd vielfältig Sie besticht durch historische Kolonialbauten und moderne Architektur und erschüttert ebenso angesichts der gigantischen Slums. Sie duftet betörend nach exotischen Pflanzen und Gewürzen und stinkt erbärmlich nach Müll und Dreck.

Warum ist Mumbai so bekannt?

Das ehemalige Bombay ist die Wirtschaftsmetropole des boomenden Indiens. Weltbekannt auch durch „Bollywood“, seine riesige Filmindustrie. 18 Millionen Menschen leben in Mumbai.

Is Marathi spoken a lot in Mumbai?

So according to my experience, Marathi is spoken a great deal in Mumbai. Well, Marathi is the official language of Maharashtra. Now that Mumbai is the capital of the state, I do not see any relevance to this question. Agreed, there are people who come from different backgrounds and states.

Which language sets Mumbai apart from other cities?

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Marathi is the language that sets apart Mumbai from other metropolitan cities of India. A very simple language which can be learnt easily by anyone. Majority of Mumbai’s Population knows and speaks Marathi. The most famous line we Mumbaikar’s use while greeting is “Kasa Kay” (how are you ) .

What is the official language of Mumbai in Maharashtra?

Well, Marathi is the official language of Maharashtra. Now that Mumbai is the capital of the state, I do not see any relevance to this question. Agreed, there are people who come from different backgrounds and states. Maybe their languages are different.

Why did Marathi become the official language of Marathi Empire?

Since most of the population was Hindu and spoke Marathi, even the sultans such as Ibrahim Adil Shah I adopted Marathi as the court language for administration and record-keeping. Islamic rule also led to Persian vocabulary entering the Marathi language. Per Kulkarni, for the elites of the era using Persian words was a status symbol.

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