Warum schauen wir Reality-TV?

Warum schauen wir Reality-TV?

Beim Zuschauer wird der Eindruck erweckt, in diesen TV-Sendungen spiegle sich das authentische Leben. Dies wiederum befriedigt die Neugierde und die Sehnsucht, durch ein «Medienfenster» schauend an der Welt anderer Leute «wirklich» teilhaben zu können.

Warum sehen sich Menschen Reality-TV Shows an?

Die Zuschauer schauen sich die Show an und dann finden diese ganz normalen psychologischen Mechanismen, wie zum Beispiel Identifikation, Nähe, Emotionalität, Fremdscham oder die Begeisterung für einzelne Charaktere statt. Die Menschen denken, das ist live.

Is reality TV staged or real?

“Real is Staged,” we might say. This could be the mantra of modern reality TV. The problem, just as it is for the citizens in Orwell’s novel, is that over time we become unable to tease apart the double-speak from the truth.

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What’s the difference between reality TV and structured reality?

An important point: don’t get confused between reality TV and “structured reality”, which came along in 2004 with Laguna Beach, then snowballed into The Hills, Jersey Shore, Towie, Keeping Up With the Kardashians and the 800 Real Housewives spin-offs. Structured reality is set-up situations where casts row until someone chucks a drink.

When did the first reality TV channel start?

During the 2000s, three television channels were started that are devoted exclusively to reality television: Fox Reality in the United States, which operated from 2005 to 2010; Global Reality Channel in Canada, which lasted two years from 2010 to 2012; and Zone Reality in the United Kingdom, which operated from 2002 to 2009.

How does reality TV affect our behavior?

Some studies suggest higher rates of aggressive behavior on social media after watching reality television. Other shows have been associated with an increase in high risk behaviors – smoking, drinking excess alcohol, and increased promiscuity – as a function of how much reality programming is consumed.

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