Warum stirbt Lily Salvatore?

Warum stirbt Lily Salvatore?

1858. Sie starb im Mai 1858 an Schwindsucht, aber kurz vor ihrem Tod wurde ihr von einer Krankenschwester Vampirblut gegeben, sodass sie sich verwandelte. Vor ihrer Verwandlung wollte sie eigentlich mit ihren Söhnen abhauen, Guiseppe Salvatore bemerkte dies allerdings und hielt sie davon ab.

Was ist mit Damons Mutter?

In der sechsten Staffel The Vampire Diaries musste Damon schmerzlich feststellen, dass er sich das ganze Jahrhundert umsonst Vorwürfe gemacht hat, denn seine Mutter ist am Leben und selbst ein Vampir und sie ist nicht gestorben, wie er dachte.

Wann trifft Stefan seine Mutter?

In der 18 Episode („I Never Could Love Like That”) von Vampire Diaries ist es also soweit. Ach ja und sein überraschtes Gesicht deutet eigentlich darauf hin, das ser seine Menschlichkeit nicht abgestellt hat. Ansonsten wäre es ihm völlig egal, dass seine Mutter am Leben ist.

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Who is Lily Salvatore in the Vampire Diaries?

Lillian „Lily“ Salvatore was a vampire and a major recurring character and antagonist in the sixth and seventh seasons of The Vampire Diaries. She was the mother of Stefan and Damon Salvatore and the widow of the late Giuseppe Salvatore.

What is the romantic relationship between Lily Salvatore and Julian?

The romantic relationship between the vampires Lily Salvatore and Julian. Lily originally loved him and accepted him as a fatherly figure amongst her adopted children. However, Lily was enlightened with the fact that Julian is just as abusive with her and her children just as her former husband was abusive towards her and her biological sons.

What happened to Stefan Salvatore’s mother?

She was the mother of Stefan and Damon Salvatore and the widow of the late Giuseppe Salvatore. She has been mentioned by both Damon and Giuseppe and also Stefan later on, but next to nothing is known about her. She supposedly died at some point in 1858.

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How did Lily of the valley turn into a vampire?

She was turned in 1858 and she faked her death. When Lily was very sick with consumption, she was sent away by Giuseppe. An unknown nurse (who was assumed to have been a vampire) had fed her vampire blood while she was held in the TB ward. Lily did end up dying of consumption, triggering her transformation into a vampire.