Warum stirbt Moser Bei Kommissar Rex?

Warum stirbt Moser Bei Kommissar Rex?

Kriminalinspektor Richard Moser, besetzt mit Tobias Moretti, ist der erste Einsatzleiter der Serie. Moser tritt zuletzt in der Folge „Mosers Tod“ auf und wird dort von einem Psychopathen (gespielt von Ulrich Tukur) erschossen, als er seine Freundin vor diesem beschützen will.

Wann gibt es immer Kommissar Rex auf welchem Sender?

Kommissar Rex (1994) Sendetermine 01.01.2022 – 16.01.2022 – fernsehserien.de.

Auf welchem Kanal läuft Kommissar Rex?

Österreichischer Rundfunk
Kommissar Rex/Sender

When did the TV series Inspector Rex come out?

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The following is a list of episodes of the television series Inspector Rex, which premiered on November 10, 1994 on ORF 1 . This section needs a plot summary.

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How did Inspector Moser die in Inspector Rex?

In the final scenes of the movie Inspector Rex: Moser’s Death, Moser is killed in the line of duty by an escaped ‚border-line psychopath‘ played by famous German actor Ulrich Tukur (Das Leben der Anderen) while Moser is rescuing his lover, Patricia Neuhold (a psychologist who has been helping with the case).

What is Kommissar Rex?

A spin off from the Austrian series Kommissar (Inspector) Rex. Rex the Police Dog moves from Vienna to Rome to continue his career. Two police inspectors and their team from a Bonn-Koeln precinct fight all sorts of criminals they encounter daily on major highways in Germany. A spin off from the Inspector Rex series.

What happened to Davide Rivera in Inspector Rex?

Davide Rivera replaces Fabbri as team leader in season 14. Rivera becomes a friend with Rex after the loss of Inspector Lorenzo Fabbri. He follows his grandfather’s advice and, eventually, Rex stops avoiding him. Rivera appears for the last time on the episode „Legami di sangue“, the last episode of season 15.

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